Friday 12 June 2015

Injectable Hydrogel Helps Skin Heal Quicker

A new injectable hydrogel that speeds healing in skin wounds has been developed by researchers from UCLA.
The material builds an instantaneous scaffold which enables new tissue to hook on and grow in the cavities created between linked gel spheres.
“Achieving a biomaterial that promotes rapid regeneration while maintaining structural support has been a holy grail in the field of tissue engineering,” principal investigator Dino Di Carlo said. “Our team has achieved this in an injectable form by combining tailored material chemistry and microfluidic fabrication of uniform spherical building blocks, each about the width of a human hair.”

Wednesday 10 June 2015

5 Natural Ways To Beat Back Pain

Practice yoga. Holding downward dog for five to ten seconds can help stretch your back muscles. This motion reduces pressure that can build up in the lower spine and cause pain. Remember to also tilt the pelvis under to avoid any further lower back strain. Pigeon pose is another great posture for backaches. Hip muscles can quickly become tight and shift strain to the back. Stretching out hip flexors and extensors can alleviate back pressure and pain.

Use capsaicin cream. Capsaicin is a substance found in chili peppers. When used medicinally it helps reduces the amount of substance P, a neurotransmitter that leads to pain impulses in the brain. One study showed that after 3 weeks of capsaicin use, patients had a significant reduction in pain. To use: apply topically, at least twice per day, for maximum relief. The warm sensation also allows you to stretch and move without pain.

Get some exercise. You may be tempted to stay in bed when your back acts up, but exercise and activity can actually help you heal faster and reduce pain. A study of 240 men and women found that regular exercise reduced pain by 28 percent and disability by 36 percent. Low impact, moderate intensity exercise is the safest option. Avoid movements that trigger pain or require excessive jumping or squatting, which can exacerbate injuries. Take two to three minutes at the end of your workout to stretch your back thoroughly. Lie flat on your back and hug your knees to release any tension that developed during your workout.

Try acupuncture. Research suggests that acupuncture can help reduce chronic low back pain. One recent review showed that actual acupuncture was more effective than simulated acupuncture or no treatment in reducing pain. It’s not entirely known how acupuncture regulates pain; however, one theory suggests acupuncture helps trigger the release of pain reducing chemicals in the body (like endorphins and natural opioids). Back pain is one of the most common reasons patients first try acupuncture and many find sustained relief.

Lose excess weight. As we gain weight, stress and pressure on the lower spine and back muscles increases. The heavy weight at the front of the body can cause an increased arch in the spine and may lead to injury and compression of the discs and nerves. Losing weight reduces the tendency to arch the back and relieves pressure on the lower spine and nerves.
If your back pain is persistent or excruciating, you should see your chiropractor.


Monday 8 June 2015

Ayurveda: Ancient School of Healing


Ayurveda  medicine is a Hindu system of traditional medicine native to India and a form of alternative medicine.

Ayurveda is considered by many scholars to be the oldest healing science.

The goal of Ayurveda medicine is to prevent diseases and increase longevity.

Ayurveda is one of the oldest medical systems of the world which deal with both body and spirit. It originated from the lands of India around 5000 years ago and was the part ayurveda treatmentsof Sanatana Dharma or Vedic Religion. By using the inherent basics of nature, Ayurveda can aid in promoting health and well being by keeping the body, spirit and mind in perfect sync with the nature. 

Unlike conventional medicines and treatments which focus only over disease management, this ancient school of medicine bestows the knowledge of preventing the disease and removing its root causes so that it does not occur again.

Ayurveda comprises of two Sanskrit root words “ayur” meaning life or longevity and “veda” meaning science. Thus the literal meaning of Ayurveda is “the science of life” which covers the mind, senses, soul and body and helps in maintaining their perfect balance by developing knowledge about one’s cosmic system and use of herbs for healing and fostering longevity.

Friday 5 June 2015

Reiki: The Art of Healing with touch

Reiki a system created by a man called Usui Mikao in Japan in the early 1900s.

Initally he created reiki to support people on their spiritual journey toward enlightenment using meditations and precepts.

Usui Mikaobrought together various elements from his own spiritual practices to develop a system we know today as Reiki.

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Detox and Cleanse Your Entire Body

Practiced for thousands of years by cultures around the world –detoxification is about resting, cleansing and nourishing the body from the inside out. By removing and eliminating toxins, then feeding your body with healthy nutrients, detoxifying can help protect you from disease and renew your ability to maintain optimum health. These foods will assist in boosting your metabolism, optimising digestion, while allowing you to lose weight and fortify your immune system.

Artichokes help the liver function at its best, which in turn will help your body purge itself of toxins and other things it doesn’t need to survive. It ups the liver’s production of bile, and since bile helps break down foods which helps your body use the nutrients inside them, an increase in bile production is typically a good thing.

Apples are full of wonderful nutrients. You get fibre, vitamins, minerals and many beneficial phytochemical such as D-Glucarate, flavonoids and terpenoids. All of these substances are used in the detox process. One flavonoid, Phlorizidin (phlorizin), is thought to help stimulate bile production which helps with detox as the liver gets rid of some toxins through the bile. Apples are also a good source of the soluble fibre pectin, which can help detox metals and food additives from your body. It’s best to eat only organic apples as the non-organic varieties are among the top 12 foods that have been found to contain the most pesticide residues. Organically produced apples also have a 15 percent higher antioxidant capacity than conventionally produced apples.

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Discover the Secret to Opening your Chakras

Opening your Chakras and allowing a healthy flow of energy is a powerful tool for staying balanced, maintaining good health and advancing spiritually. There are lots of things we can actively do and tools we can use to heal our chakras and make our lives better.
If you don’t know what Chakras or energy centers are check out this article here to learn more!
This video is a fun and awesome tool for learning more about chakras and how to open them.  Who knew that a kids show would teach us the secrets to opening up our 7 chakras and work towards enlightenment! You’ve gotta check this out!

Healing Benefits of Bone Broth

Ever wonder why chicken soup has been the staple meal mothers and doctors choose to prescribe when you’re feeling under the weather? Come to find out, the broth in the soup has amazing healing powers when it comes to boosting your immune system. Homemade bone broth is truly a super-food (not the stuff from a can or even the organic stock-in-a-box). It is not only beneficial for helping fight off the common cold, but also great for a number of amazing nutritional benefits. Bone broths are nutrient-dense, easy to digest as well as absorb and also rich in flavour.
Bone broth contains an excellent source of minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium that can easily be absorbed by your body. It also contains chondroitin sulphates, glucosamine and collagen, which aid in the reduction of inflammation, arthritis and joint pain while supporting tendon and ligament health. The amino acids and natural gelatin produced in bone broth are important for muscle, tendon and ligament growth and repair in addition to promoting a healthy digestive system. Bone broths are essential to maintaining a balanced nervous system, bone density, reduced inflammation, a strong immune system and healthy skin, hair and nails.

Healing Eczema and Psoriasis Naturally

Eczema usually causes inflamed red, itchy, and dry patches of skin that sometimes blisters and weeps. Psoriasis is similar in that it also frequently occurs on the scalp, knees, and elbows, but it can occur anywhere on the body and also often shows up on the buttocks and wrists. It doesn’t usually itch, but may bleed if the red, swollen skin or silvery or whitish scales are scratched. It is caused by skin cells that replicate too quickly, usually around ten times the growth rate of normal skin cells.Most scientists and doctors are mystified by what causes the these conditions or the skin cells to replicate. Natural medicine theories include: poor diet; deficiencies in essential fatty acids and fibre; digestive difficulties, especially with protein; Candida albicans overgrowth; deficiency vitamins and essential fatty acids; or poor liver function or toxic buildup. Here’s how to help:

Detox Your Liver and Intestines
Detoxify the bowels and liver to eliminate a possible overgrowth of Candida albicans or other microbes that may be infecting the body. To do that, be sure to drink plenty of water every day (usually 10 to 12 cups) and supplement with a high quality probiotic supplement that includes: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus plantarum and Bifidobacteria, and Bifidobacteria bifidum. Avoid sugars and minimize fruit consumption while dealing with Candida.

Monday 1 June 2015

Natural Treatments and Remedies for Acid Reflux

Acid-blocking drugs are widely promoted in magazine, radio, and television advertisements as the cure for heartburn and acid reflux. But these medications only provide short-term relief and ultimately lead to additional digestive woes. Instead, I recommend these simple, cheap, and much more effective natural remedies for heartburn and acid reflux problems.
  • Fix Your Hiatal Hernia
  • Ginger
  • Reduce Salt Use
  • Chew Gum
  • Licorice
  • Probiotics
  • D-Limonene Extract

Friday 29 May 2015

Japanese 'Face Slimmer Exercise Mouthpiece' Fights Wrinkles And Sagging Skin

Soon this woman’s wrinkled face will be youthful again.
The Face Slimmer Exercise Mouthpiece from Japan (alleges it) has the power to turn back the clock on your “sagging facial skin and muscles.” For three minutes a day, you simply put it in your mouth (like you would with a pair of similar-looking novelty wax lips) and “say vowel sounds out loud over and over again” in an effort to “fight wrinkles around your eyes and help shape the overall look of your face.” It’s available to purchase at Japan Trend Shop.

Indian Healing Clay to Tighten Loose Facial Skin : Natural Skin Care

how to use Indian Healing Clay to Tighten Loose Facial Skin.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Natural Healing: 10 Home Remedies to Treat Heat Stroke

Natural Healing: 10 Home Remedies to Treat Heat Stroke

(The angry summer sun is unforgiving and makes most of us run to the hills. It’s hot outside and inside too. Sweltering summer days don’t just make the environment uncomfortable; they also tend to raise your body temperature.

One of the most common problems associated with staying outdoors for too long is catching a heat stroke. According to Dr. Simran Saini, Nutritionist at Fortis Hospital, New Delhi, “Heat exhaustion is a temporary phase where your body is overloaded with heat, but a heat stroke is a more serious condition. It is caused due to prolonged exposure to high temperatures which may overheat your body and raise its temperature more than the normal body temperature which is 37 degree Celsius. If your body temperature rises above 40 degree Celsius it can even damage your vital organs.”

Simply put, your body tends to absorb more heat than what it can handle. First things first, look for these symptoms if you think a person may be experiencing heat stroke –

Thursday 21 May 2015

40 Ways to Let Go and Feel Less Pain

“If you let go a little, you will have a little peace. If you let go a lot, you will have a lot of peace.” ~Ajahn Chah
Eckhart Tolle believes we create and maintain problems because they give us a sense of identity. Perhaps this explains why we often hold onto our pain far beyond its ability to serve us.
We replay past mistakes over and over again in our head, allowing feelings of shame and regret to shape our actions in the present. We cling to frustration and worry about the future, as if the act of fixation somehow gives us power. We hold stress in our minds and bodies, potentially creating serious health issues, and accept that state of tension as the norm.
Though it may sound simple, Ajahn Chah’s advice speaks volumes.
There will never be a time when life is simple. There will always be time to practice accepting that. Every moment is a chance to let go and feel peaceful. Here are some ways to get started:

Stop The Heartbreak Cycle: 7 Dos and Don’ts For Handling a Break-Up

“When something bad happens you have three choices. You can let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you.” ~Unknown
I’ve learned to be thankful for my first heartbreak.
Of course, at the time of the crime I struggled to see anything positive in it. My mind could see the good, but my heart struggled against it.
It was literally as if someone stabbed my heart; there was a problem that caused my body to stop working properly. I couldn’t cry. I didn’t eat for a week. I didn’t sleep for two. And my mind constantly raced thinking of the perpetrator. 
In fact, I still think of him occasionally; it’s so hard to turn off.
Like during any trauma your body faces, it tries to repair itself so it can be whole again. My remedy? To stay busy, pretend everything was great, and throw myself into dating other people the very day things broke off.

Deepak Chopra: 7 Things to Do When You've Been Betrayed (and 7 Not to Do)

After being betrayed, most of us want two things, usually at the same time. We want to wound the person who hurt us—as deeply and as excruciatingly—as we've been wounded, and we want to rise above the situation and offer that person forgiveness. But neither of these tactics work. Wounding words tend to boomerang and make you feel as terrible as the person you wanted to hurt. Forgiveness, especially if halfhearted, tends to come off as condescension.

There are actions, though, that you can take to can heal yourself. Every hurt has its own story, and so does every healing. But we can say this: You can heal yourself when you've filled the hole left behind by a betrayal, and you can heal the other person when you sincerely drop the need for revenge.

Remember, the only betrayals that inflict damage are the ones where an intimate bond has been torn. Love makes you merge with another person, able to feel their emotions as keenly as you feel your own. If you have experienced such bonding, you know that it is a kind of higher reality—and when that bond is ripped apart, it's as if you've lost half of yourself 

Bone healing in diabetics could be enhanced through human stem cells

The repair process of broken bones in patients with diabetes could be enhanced by adding stem cells from human bone marrow, researchers have suggested.

These findings were presented by a National University of Galway team led by Dr. Cynthia Coleman at the European Congress of Endocrinology in Dublin.

Prolonged exposure to high blood glucose levels can decrease the healing speed of broken bones in people with diabetes. The likelihood of an accident can also be increased due to nerve damage in the eyes and feet.

The Galway researchers added human bone marrow stem cells from non-diabetic donors to one group of diabetic patients with bone fractures. In a second control group, patients were not given these stem cells.

'Curanderismo' is spiritual form of healing rising in popularity

Curanderismo. is a mystical, spiritual form of folk healing, rooted in strong religious faith.
Curanderos claim, despite everything modern medicine can cure, a growing number of people still turn to them for healing their body, mind, and spirit.
"I am a curandera, but I am a blanco curandera," said Katrina, to clarify that she only practices positive faith healing and would never try to place a curse on anyone.
She practices curanderismo, or spiritual healing, out of her home on San Antonio's south side.

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Old bones can regain youthful healing power

Broken bones in older people are notoriously slow to heal, but researchers at Duke Medicine have identified a potential way to speed the process. In studies using mice, the researchers not only traced what signals go wrong when aged bones heal improperly, they also successfully manipulated the process by both circulating blood and transplanting bone marrow from a young mouse into an older mouse, prompting the bones to heal faster and better.
The findings, reported online May 19, 2015, in the journal Nature Communications, address one of the largest problems draining health care resources. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, fractures are the most common and costly nonfatal injuries to adults over age 65. They account for more than one-third of that population's nonfatal injuries, and 61 percent of total nonfatal care costs.

Vampire Healing: Young Blood Can Mend Old Broken Bones

Why do vampires from Dracula to Angel seem to crave the blood of the young and beautiful? The undead may be onto something. Young blood, it seems, has special healing properties that have been lost in older blood. 

A recent finding by scientists from the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, and Duke University challenges long-held ideas about why our bones have a harder time healing as we age. Their research discovered that old mouse bones mend like youthful bones do when they're exposed to young blood after a fracture.
“The traditional concept is that as you get older, your bone cells kind of wear out so they can't heal as well, and we thought we'd find that during this study as well,” explains study co-author Benjamin Alman, of the Hospital for Sick Children. “But it turns out that it's not the bone cells, it's the blood cells. As you get older, the blood cells change the way they behave when you have an injury, and as a result the cells that heal bone aren't able to work as efficiently.”

Thursday 14 May 2015

How To Lift Sagging Breasts Naturally With Essential Oils

The effects of pregnancy, weight loss, and the force of gravity can have a significant impact on a woman’s breast. With volume loss in the breast tissue and/or loss of the elasticity of the skin, a woman’s breast can start to sag and lose firmness and youthful shape. So make sure that doesn’t happen to you.
Essential Oils such as Carrot seed oil, Geranium Oil, Almond Oil, Lemongrass Oil, Ylang Ylang Oil and Fenugreek Oil are some of the essential oils which can help or be used for firmness of saggy breasts. Use the combination oils to massage everyday.