Thursday 21 May 2015

'Curanderismo' is spiritual form of healing rising in popularity

Curanderismo. is a mystical, spiritual form of folk healing, rooted in strong religious faith.
Curanderos claim, despite everything modern medicine can cure, a growing number of people still turn to them for healing their body, mind, and spirit.
"I am a curandera, but I am a blanco curandera," said Katrina, to clarify that she only practices positive faith healing and would never try to place a curse on anyone.
She practices curanderismo, or spiritual healing, out of her home on San Antonio's south side.

"Can I cure sick people? No, but God can do it through me," she said.
It's a gift, she said, she's had since she was a child.Katrina believes healing abilities have been in her family for generations. She is a Native American Indian and the curanderismo she practices is based on Mexico's Mayan Indian beliefs.
"The way the doctor would take a scan to see in your body. Well, I see through your soul and your life destiny," she said.
Katrina also calls herself an espiritista, or spiritualist.
"The cleansings {are} done biblically based on astrological data. The day you were born tells me all about you," she said.

Katrina incorporates the bible, herbs, crystals, oils and astrology in her cleansing.
"She's helped me out a lot. She helped me on stuff I was going through with a lot of cleansings that I needed," said one of her longtime clients who asked us not to reveal his identity.
Previously, like many others still do, he doubted curanderos, and considered them charlatans.
"But my doubts were proven wrong. She's done so much. It's unbelievable, it makes me feel better," he said.
"A lot of people will say they are doubters, but they are not. They lie. I'm receiving a lot of people who you wouldn't expect would come see a person like me," said Katrina.
Especially with the rising costs of modern medicine, she feels more people are coming to see her for help with their medical and emotional problems.
"Whoever is sick is sent to the doctor immediately and then I'm the secondary help. I believe God works through medicine and also through [an] espiritista," she said. "God does heal through my hands, too. I've healed hundreds of people, but they were all sent to the doctor first."
Katrina is writing a book she hopes to publish soon. She said it will teach people how to self-heal through curanderismo. She said the gift of healing is inside everyone, you just have to learn how to tap into it.

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