Tuesday 5 May 2015

Traditional Healing: The healing power of creativity

The creative process is an important part of healing. Those who are healing are encouraged to journal, to write poetry, to draw and paint, and express ourselves however possible. Art therapists in hospitals and cancer centers work with patients every day, even those weak from treatments. The process of creating something allows for inspiration to offer guidance. Patients need not be focused on the loss, the pain or the fear. They just need to create in the moment.

Personally, I understand that grief and depression are part of breast cancer, especially after I had a mastectomy. For me, humor helped. I decided to enter the Save the Tatas contest when I saw it announced on TV. Sponsored by the Zonta Club, the art competition and event fundraiser features bras that are turned into works of art to honor breast cancer survivors. I called two friends — one for inspiration and the other as artist. I was simply the instigator. They both agreed to help. They asked me to use the colors of peacock feathers, so I went through my things to see what I had: three peacock feathers, some mink fur balls, some beads, a St. Anne medal (my patron saint), a St. Peregrine medal (patron saint of cancer), a medal of the Pope (a gift from my friends who went to Rome), earrings and a scarf with peacock feathers.
I took my treasures to the artist, and we worked together to bring the project to life.
The muse: Jill Larousinni gave me the theme. She had a vision of a map and the rich blue and green colors of the peacock. Her deep intuition inspired the project and put us on the right track.

The artist: Katy Richard, who said yes when asked to do the work.
As the survivor, I supplied some of the treasures and a bra that served as the foundation for the work.
The Creation: "Peacock Essence," as I named the finished product, has a map that demonstrates a sense of place with my hometown, Scott, front and center. Warm, fuzzy mink lines the bottom of the bra signifying good things that came during the journey. A St. Anne medal, her patron saint, is on one cup with St. Peregrine, the patron saint of cancer patients. The medal from the Pope is on the other. The feathers on each strap give a military touch for those times when we must stand up for our rights. The cape with peacock feathers attached to the back of the bra is a gift from a heroine, who was blind and cooking for herself well into her 80s. It adds a superhero factor. Overall, the peacock serves as inspiration. The peacock stands for beauty, watchfulness and immortality. Its feathers are used for healing — just like the creative process was for me.

Becca Begnaud is a traditional Cajun healer and a resident of Scott.

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