Tuesday 17 March 2015

Natural Ways To Treat A Loose Vagina

There is no need to visit a doctor or opt for any kind of surgical treatments to get your vagina back to form. You can follow some simple, natural and very effective remedies that can tighten the vaginal muscles and reduce the size of the vaginal opening to a great extent. 

Kegel Exercises

One of the most popular ways to tighten the vagina would be to opt for Kegel exercises on a regular basis. Often recommended to ladies post delivery, the exercise involves a woman contracting the muscles of her groin and then relaxing them after 10 seconds.
Keep contracting and relaxing the groin muscles for at least 15 times and follow up with 4 sets of the same every day. Alternatively, you can try contracting your groin muscles while you urinate and hold back the urine for about 5 seconds before continuing. Do the same till you finish urinating. Repeat the procedure every time you need to urinate.

Vaginal Cone

Another very common method to tighten the vaginal muscles employs the use of a vaginal cone which looks like a regular tampon, but has weights attached to it. You need to insert the cone (with the weights hanging off the end) into the vagina and try to hold it in with the help of your vaginal muscles for a couple of minutes before releasing it. Repeat the procedure at least 5 times a day and add more weights as you progress.

Leg Ups

This simple exercise requires you to lie down on your back on the floor and raise your legs upwards one after the other. Don’t bend the legs, rather keep them straight as you raise and lower them alternatively.
A slight variation to this exercise involves moving your legs laterally as well. Keep the legs straight as you do so. Continue the exercise for about 10 minutes and do the same at least 5 times a day for best benefits.

Herbal Cream

There are plenty of herbal creams that are used for tightening a loose vagina. They can be applied over the vaginal opening and inside the vagina for effective results.
Opt for a cream only after consulting with a physician. Even though these creams may not be harmful, they may contain certain ingredients that can cause allergic side reactions. So make sure you choose a cream that would offer you the maximum benefits with minimum or no side effects at all.

Home Remedy

Here is a simple, home based remedy to help you tighten your vaginal muscles. Boil some gooseberries in water and store the resultant solution in a bottle. Apply some over your vagina when you take a bath every day. The solution would restore the elasticity and suppleness of your vagina in no time at all.

by fathima - See more at: http://www.ladycarehealth.com/home-remedies-for-tightening-a-vagina/#sthash.oC039Hl1.dpuf

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