Wednesday 4 March 2015

12 tips for healthy ageing in mind and body, by human behaviour expert Dr John Demartini

12 ways to age healthily

1 Decide what’s meaningful in your life and focus on it. It could be family, work or a social cause, but should be something you love which makes you want to spring out of bed to greet each new day.
2 Have goals that you are constantly working towards. Challenges keep people youthful.
3 Don’t get highly stressed. Less day-to-day volatility equals more resilience in the long run.
4 Count your blessings. The more regrets, the shorter the life.
5 Embrace new ideas. Study. Read inspiring stories about people who have done extraordinary things.
6 Eat to live; don’t live to eat. Hedonistic gluttons stuff themselves to fill a void. In the West, there are too many people who are overfed but under nourished. Don’t put junk in your body. Stimulants such as sugary drinks make you crash and burn. And drink the universal solvent: water.
7 Do a service to somebody. Feeling that you’re useful boosts the brainpower.
8 Move your body: walk (particularly uphill), swim, dance, do yoga, and make love, even if you are 100 years old.
9 Get into the sun for a vitamin D boost for the bones. You need 15 minutes a day, from the morning and evening sun, never midday.
10 Practise yogic-style balanced breathing: in for seven counts, hold for seven, exhale for seven, hold for seven, and then repeat.
11 Get adequate rest, which varies from person to person.
12 Have somebody to love, as well as loving yourself, because hugs prolong life.

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