Thursday 19 March 2015

How Tibetan Singing Bowls Work to Heal the Body and Mind

Tibetan singing bowls have been used traditionally for spiritual and healing purposes since ancient times. These bowls are in use now for stress-relief, meditation, yoga, and other applications. Many wonder exactly how tibetan singing bowls work in healing one’s body and mind, but the secret is primarily in the way they sound and the vibrations they emit.


It is believed that everything in existence today vibrates at a certain frequency, including our human bodies and its internal organs, as well as our inner energy systems, like the chakras and our auras. When everything is vibrating at its own optimal, unique frequency, we function in complete health. Disharmonious vibrations, often caused by stress or unhealthy environmental conditions, are said to cause illness and disease. Tibetan singing bowls, which produce pure vibrations, are capable of correcting these imbalances. The pure vibrations of the singing bowls resonate with the optimal frequencies of the body and gently correct any blockages and imbalances. This is why it is particularly effective to place singing bowls directly on the body – so that the vibrations are in an optimal position to affect any internal imbalances.


Aside from the vibrational qualities of singing bowls, they also heal in a simpler way. As humans, we are exposed to many unnatural and discordant sounds – the rush of traffic, television chatter and other electronic noise pollution, and countless more random and unpleasant sounds of modern-day living. Tibetan singing bowls produce sounds that are calming and pleasing to the brain. The bowls produce tones that are pure and naturally harmonious and resonant with each other. The effect of listening to this type of music calms the mind, much like listening to nature sounds would. A calm mind naturally produces a healthier body, making it less susceptible to illness and disease.

Tibetan singing bowls are a unique, powerful, and natural instrument for healing, which is why the tradition of using them has survived for centuries.

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