Wednesday 11 March 2015

5 ways to keep your skin healthy

Good skin care and healthy lifestyle choices can help delay the natural aging process and prevent various skin problems.
See these five no-nonsense tips that will benefit the skin on the long run:

  1. Protect your skin from the Sun- Forget vitamin D from sunlight, the Sun is bad for you. The Ultraviolet rays from the Sun is responsible for the development of cancerous tissues, burns, skin dryness, wrinkles and so on. Therefore, always wear protective clothing, and apply a generous amount of Sunscreen as the Sun is at its worst from 10am to 4pm.
  2. Bath regularly to help remove dead skin and oil. Apply moisturizer after bathing.
  3. Avoid Smoking- Smoking causes wrinkles and helps accelerate the ageing process.
  4. Exercise regularly- This affects both the outward appearance and the insides of the skin as it gives a youthful glow. You need to stay fit in order to boost your overall health.
  5. Adequate Sleep- Make sure you sleep for at least six to eight hours daily as the this is the only time the body gets to renew and replenish its tissues.

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