Thursday 19 March 2015


At different times in life we are exposed to stressful and even threatening situations. In some instances our bodies will acknowledge these situations by changing our heart rate, increasing our breathing, and even beginning to sweat. There are simple ways to instantly feel better, such as regulating our own breathing by taking deep breaths in through our nose and slowly blowing out of our mouths. Simple actions such as this are a good beginning to learning to meditate, and learning to meditate for healing.

1. Healing Meditation is a type of spiritual introspection. It is a calming of the mind and body. While a person meditates, they are aware of the world around them, but it isn’t overtly pushing its way into the brain. There is a clearing of the mind, peaceful relaxation, and deep rhythmic breathing. It is a quiet type of calm in an otherwise crazy, stressful world. The ability to meditate can lower blood pressure, change mood, and even reduce stress. It gives the person a chance to have complete thought control of themselves, without the annoyance of so many of our modern technologies. It is a break from the hectic world that we all live in.

2. When meditation is used for healing, it is geared towards a physical state that a person wishes to change, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and even cancer. Some people even use healing meditation to help reduce pain. When the body is at rest while meditating, the stress of daily life begins to fade. While this is fading, a gradual change is taking place in the body. The body is listening to its internal environment, and adjusting some physical actions that it has been taking. Healing Mediation can decrease heart rate, the rate of breathing, and even help to boost the immune system. The amazing thing is this can all be accomplished in minutes a day.

3. If you are dealing with some type of health issue or disease, using meditation to relax and help to heal yourself is a good addition to any mainstream or alternative treatments you may be using. While meditation may not get rid of cancer, some believe that it can slow the cancer down, giving more traditional methods of healing a chance to work. It can also be highly beneficial for the anxiety and fear that sometimes accompanies health problems.

4. Meditating to heal the body can seem tough, especially if you have never meditated before. For those who are new to it, it can be beneficial to purchase a CD that has guided meditation. For others it may be easier to try try and rid the mind of any distractions and to concentrate on one thing. That one thing can be any type of imagery that produces a calming feeling. It can be as simple as imagining a flower petal to seeing yourself relaxing on a boat in the middle of a calm lake.

5. Regardless of how you begin to meditate, knowing that it can be useful in healing your body’s ailments will certainly bring about a calming feeling. You can always use meditation to accompany other types of healing, both traditional and alternative. Remember that using healing meditation to heal your body and mind is a powerful tool you have in your arsenal, and can be used at any time of the day.

by silambu

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