Saturday 28 March 2015

Find healing after betrayal by your spouse

Betrayal is the violation of trust and goodwill that produces moral and psychological conflict within a relationship.
Betrayal could be as a result of a broken promise, loyalty and faithfulness in a relationship or simply feeling that one’s expectations are not met.
Betrayal has broken marriages, ended long term friendships and also created havoc in families that become dysfunctional causing a lot of pain, frustration, anger, stress and depression.
Whether the pain is afflicted by a partner, good friend, acquaintance, family or colleague, one experiences a hurt that takes a long time to heal, while some never quite recover.

One of the most devastating forms of betrayal involves emotional and physical intimacy. A spouse’s betrayal of unfaithfulness is indeed one of the greatest pains that can be afflicted in a marital relationship.It is estimated that 40 per cent of women and 60 per cent of men will have an affair at one point in the relationship.
The breach of trust is devastating for a partner and results to distrust towards the offending partner. It evokes a volcano of emotions; shock, anger, rage, bitterness, fear, shame, guilt, devastation, disillusionment, resentment and intense sadness.
“I want to find happiness,” says Joyce “but it is fleeting ever since my husband betrayed my trust. Whenever I think I have healed and doing better, I wake up with intense anger and resentment towards him. Some days it feels like the world around me has simply collapsed.
I am devastated. I have lost the desire to live, sometimes I have suicidal thoughts, I have lost interest in everything and feel totally overwhelmed. My husband on the wedding day made promises to me. I feel betrayed.”
Like Joyce, many other individuals struggle with betrayal. Regardless of how they discover their partner’s betrayal, either through confession, information through a third party or simply stumbling upon the truth, this discovery will rock any individual to their very core.
It’s devastating and has the potential to destroy even the healthiest of relationships, if not properly handled. How then can one find healing after betrayal and remain emotionally healthy?

By Jennifer Karina

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