Wednesday 22 April 2015

10 Ways to Heal Hay Fever Naturally

Hay Fever affects the mucous membranes of the sinuses, nose, throat, eyes and palate.  Grasses and plant pollens can cause inflammatory reactions and release of histamine that weakens the immune system leaving us feeling dreadful.  
Naturally treating any illness or health concern does take time but it is worth it in the end and much less stressful on our bodies.  Children are growing every day and so are their little organs so if you give them regular inhalers, calpol, piriton etc then their liver will get overloaded and cause many different health concerns, not to mention the damage this does to their tummies (knocking out the healthy gut bacteria).

  1. Drink Herbal Teas: Chamomile helps with hay fever symptoms, ginger and manuka honey break up chest congestion and loosed phlegm whilst strengthening the immune system, green tea blocks the production of histamine and peppermint relieves nasal and sinus congestion (drink cold if you have a cough).  I drink Tesco’s Finest Peppermint and Liquorice Teas as the licorice root has a soothing effect and helps to reduce irritation of the respiratory system.  You can also use an old chamomile tea bag and place it on your eyes if they are affected as a cold compress to relieve the symptoms.
  2. Regular Steaming: good old wives tail really does work.  Get a bowl of hot water and a towel and hang your head over it to break up the congestion.  Add a couple of drops of eucalyptus and grapefruit oil too.  I bought an aroma diffuser for during the night to help clear the lungs and add the oils too.  I just bought it here on amazon but there are different ones at varying prices.
  3. Eat more oily fish or take Omega 3 Fish Oil supplements help to lower the amounts of inflammatory chemicals produced.  I take one daily called High Potency Fish Oil.
  4. Manuka Honey can desensitize your body to other pollen because of the bee pollen content.  Just a simple teaspoon a day will keep the doctor away!
  5. Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine and I always recommend taking extra vitamin C supplements with bioflavonoids if you suffer from hayfever.  Vitamin C and Bioflavanoids provides a natural decongestant and antihistamine to alleviate symptoms effectively.  I use Vitamin C with bioflavonoids from Cytoplan. There are many different food sources but if these foods reach a certain temperature then the vitamin C is lost plus the fructose in fruit sugar can cause the production of too much mucous.
  6. Eat Carotenoid Foods such as carrots, pumpkin, sweet potato and spinach, maybe put them all in a soup as these antioxidants help reduce inflammation in your airways.
  7. Eat more spices like Turmeric and ginger.  Turmeric contains curcumin, a phtochemical with powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions that stops the release of histamine.  Grate about 2 tsp and add to rice, stirfries, curries and soups.  Ginger is one of my favourite foods, which I add to everything, from smoothies, soups and stir-fries.  It is a powerful anti-inflammatory that helps reduce nasal swelling.
  8. Onions and Garlic are jam-packed with quercetin which is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and natural anti-histamine.  Try to eat them raw for the full benefits by adding to salads or stir-fries where the food is cooked very little.  Garlic also helps to clear nasal congestion.  I sometimes stick a clove of garlic up my nose if my sinuses are blocked.
  9. Take a probiotic supplement like Fos-a-dophilous as good bacteria helps to boost our intestinal tract so that we have a more balanced response to pollens or allergens.  An unbalanced gut bacteria means that our immunity will be compromised, leaving us more susceptible to developing allergies and illnesses.  It all starts in the gut as 70% of our immune system cells are present there.
  10. Lastly there are many foods to avoid but I will focus on the most important mucus forming ones such as sugar(including fruits), dairy (milk, cheese, yoghurt & chocolate), sweets, yeast (bread) and wheat (originally from grass).  Watch out all those coffee and alcohol drinkers as a congested liver may increase hay fever symptoms.

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