Thursday 2 April 2015

5 Alcoholism Remedies and Alternative Treatments

As alcoholism has nutritional connections, the disease can be treated rather effectively using natural remedies. The types of treatment vary and actually are widely diverse as far as efficacy; however, most individuals respond better to natural treatment than any other form.

1. Vitamin B12

An important B-complex vitamin, B12 helps regulate the function of the liver. Restoring normal function of the liver can help ease alcohol cravings.

2. Vitamin C

The entire body, but particularly the brain, requires high levels of vitamin C. This nutrient helps mediate the activity of the opiate receptors in the brain, which helps reduce an individual’s interest in drugs and alcohol.

3. Amino Acids

Amino acids, specifically l-glutamine, are responsible for regulating a number of processes in the body. L-glutamine, in particular, helps stabilize the mood, which can help break the addiction cycle.

4. Acupuncture

A form of ancient Chinese medicine, acupuncture accesses specific pressure points to release endorphins, relieve pain and anxiety in the body, and stimulate wellness. As such, this form of treatment is also effective for curing alcohol addiction.

5. Exercise

Exercise is another important daily practice for managing alcoholism. Not only does exercise provide a release for stress and an opportunity to engage in an additional activity, it also helps boost the endorphins in the body. Endorphins help improve the mood and decrease an individual’s reliance on drugs to achieve the same result.

A balanced approach to alcohol recovery is the best option. Pairing these treatments with an established recovery program will help you or your loved one regain control over life and health.

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