Friday 17 April 2015

Mental decline 'likely for depressed diabetics'

People with diabetes who are also diagnosed with depression are significantly more likely to experience a decline in their cognitive function as they get older.
This is according to researchers from the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle, who found that the combination of the two conditions posed a substantial risk to an individual's mental health in later life.
Doctors analysed data relating to almost 2.5 million patients, finding that those with both depression and diabetes were at a greater risk of being diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, all-cause dementia or vascular dementia in the future.

Of the study sample, 3.9 per cent (95,691) had type 2 diabetes as well as depression, with these individuals 117 per cent more likely to be diagnosed with some form of dementia by the end of the investigation.
The analysis also showed that type 2 diabetics with good mental health were 20 per cent more likely than their healthy counterparts to develop dementia.
For those with depression, but who did not have diabetes, the risk of experiencing cognitive decline in later life rose by 83 per cent. The average age of dementia diagnosis was found to be 81.
In conclusion, the study authors stated: 'The interaction between diabetes mellitus and depression tended to be particularly strong for individuals younger than 65 years.
'In light of the increasing societal burden of chronic diseases, further research is needed to elucidate the pathophysiologic mechanisms linking depression, diabetes mellitus and adverse outcomes such as dementia and to develop interventions aimed at preventing these dreaded complications.'
Further research would be needed to establish whether or not there is a direct link between depression and the onset of type 2 diabetes, but it is known that the mental illness does have connections with other health problems, such as poor sleep, which can have a knock-on impact on a person's diet, while it can also lead to the brain ageing prematurely.ADNFCR-554-ID-801783885-ADNFCR

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