Monday 13 April 2015

Chamomile Tea helps with anxiety, sleeplessness and depression.

Chamomile tea, which is brewed from dried chamomile flower heads, is a natural remedy for stress; it calms and normalizes the nervous system.  Tea is beneficial not only for adults, but also children, for whom it is recommended to drink chamomile tea before bed because of its relaxing and soothing properties.
Chamomile has other useful properties which have been repeatedly proven in the course of epidemiological studies. Beneficial properties of chamomile are abundant due to its rich and healthy composition. This composition includes one of the most important essential oils –  azulene (otherwise known as Matricaria chamomillaMatricaria recutita,) which has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties when used as a skin healing agent.

Chamomile Tea Health Benefits

Chamomile tea  contains apigenin which is a flavonoid and like most flavonoids it has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor properties. The presence of these flavonoids varies greatly depending on tea brands. All of this has led to the frequent use of chamomile in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Chamomile tea protects the body from such dangerous and serious diseases as cancer of the stomach and digestive disorders. Moreover, chamomile helps increase blood circulation and also protects from various heart and circulatory diseases including stroke. Additionally, camomile tea normalizes the nervous system and helps to improve eyesight. It also contains fluorine, which strengthens teeth and bones.

 8 Ways Chamomile Tea Could Improve Your Health

  1. Improvement of sleep. Chamomile tea is best known as a tool for improving sleep. It is known for its relaxing and soothing properties. You need to take it  before going to sleep.
  2. Digestive Aid. Chamomile helps with various stomach problems. It soothes pain in the stomach, relieves irritable bowel syndrome and helps to remove harmful substances from the body.  Along with peppermint, chamomile is often included in the composition of tea to improve digestion.
  3. Menstrual pain.  Ancient Egyptians used chamomile for the relief of menstrual pain.  Modern medicine has also started to do it. In one study it was found that the consumption of chamomile tea has increased the level of glycine in the urine, the substance that soothes muscle spasms. Researchers believe that chamomile tea therefore can help to relieve menstrual pain.
  4. Hemorrhoid Relief. In one of the studies, it was found that rubbing daisies onto your body help with hemorrhoids.
  5. Cold Relief. Chamomile has the ability to strengthen the immune system and helps to fight colds due to its antibacterial properties.
  6. Healing of wounds. Egyptians, Romans and Greeks used chamomile flowers with hot compresses on wounds for their quick healing. In one study, rats were given an extract of chamomile water, after which their wounds healed faster.
  7. Helps with diabetes. In one study it showed that daily consumption of chamomile tea prevents the development of complications in diabetes and hyperglycemia.
  8. Cancer. Laboratory studies show possible properties that protect against certain types of cancer which are due to certain flavonoids contained in Chamomile.

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