Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Energy Healing


Energy! It's everywhere, in everything... Plants, animals, humans, rivers, mountains, (the universe) etc!
We all share energy.
But what exactly is energy? Great question isn't it!
I know it as something I can feel, but often have trouble
explaining it.
There have been many ways humans have been trying to describe it, talk about it, and share it.
Here is Wikipedia's description of what energy is. The part I find fascinating is the transformation of energy!
If energy can be transformed in or out of a system and we humans are made up of many systems. (circulatory,
digestive) etc. than WE can transform energy from each other, plants, animals, and the universe!!!
How amazing is that? 

Energy Healing

Everything has a unique energy, that can change depending on the variables given. I'm sure you have experienced this from time to time.
Think about the difference between The days when you feel ecstatic, and the days when you feel drained. 
These are energetic shifts. By paying attention to what energizes you, and what drains you a lot can be learned!
We all have a life force energy that flows through us. It has been referred to by many cultures as: Prana (Indian), Qi pronounced Chi ( Chinese), Ki (Japanese)  Mana (Polynesian).
If and when there is an energy blockage the energy becomes stagnant and an imbalance is likely to occur.

How does an energy blockage happen? 
We first need to understand how energy flows through our body. When I refer to our energy field, I'm talking about our energy centers also know as our Chakra's.  The Chakra system originated in India. Many cultures use it as a map to show the energy centers that flow through channels in our energy field. Below is a chart that shows the seven common energy centers. Notice how they are all represented by a different color.
Color has it's place in energetic healing as well, and we will talk about that later. First I would like to give you a brief intro to what Chakras are and what energies they represent.

The first chakra (Muladhara) is also known as the Root Chakra.  Muladhara in Sanskirit means "foundation" It's color is red, and is located at the base of our spine.

It is referred as the root because it is closest to the earth and connects our physical being to earths energy.
The first Chakra starts to develop from conception to about age two. Think of this as the foundation of survival, it is here we develop our senses to be heard, and cared for. This is where and when we start believing in our physical body.  What was the first two years of your life like?  Ask your family members, this will be a clue for you if your root Chakra is out of balance.

The root Chakra correlates physically to the adrenal glands, circulatory system, and our skeletal structure.  The adrenals are in charge of how we deal with stress, (fight or flight), our ciculatory system brings blood (oxygen) to our cells, and our skeletal system provides us with balance and structure.  

When the Root chakra is in balance you may feel in-tune with these energies; Passion, Power, Individuality, Inner Strength, Vitality, Healthy Sexuality, and Leadership.

When the Root Chakra is out of balance you may feel these energies; Fear, Low Self Esteem, Unable To Remain Grounded, Lack Of Physical Energy and Sexuality.

The second Chakra  (Svadistana) is the called the Sacral Chakra.  In Sanskrit it translates to "sweetness" It's color is orange and it's located in between the belly button and the pelvis.  The Sacral Chakra represents the water element, flowing and movement.

The Sacral Chakra starts to develop around six months until about two years old. In our bodies it physically correlates to the large intestines, bladder, and reproductive organs.

When your Sacral Chakra is in balance you may feel in-tune with these energies;  Spontaneous, exploratory, playful, free spirited, joy, and creativity.
When the Sacral Chakra is out of balance you may feel these energies; Emotional stress, frustration, guilt, lack of motivation, fatigue mentally and physically.

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