Thursday 9 April 2015

The 8-Minute “Booty by Brett” Butt Workout

They’re the biggest muscle group in your body, and yet, they’re all too often overlooked. We’re talking about the glutes. This workout will fire up your gluteal muscles from all angles, in addition to strengthening your hips and thighs. After a quick dynamic warm-up, grab a spot on the floor and get to it. As Hoebel says, “It’s booty time!”
8 Minutes To A Better Butt
1. Brazil Lunge Lifter
How to: To start, step back with your right leg into a reverse lunge, and plant your left arm flat on the ground, next to your left foot. Press through the front heel as you drive back up to standing, while simultaneously extending your right leg behind you, and raising both arms up in front of you as a counterbalance. Repeat for 30 seconds, then switch legs.
2. Butterfly Booty Booster
How to: Lie on the floor with the soles of your feet together, knees pointed outwards, and arms crossed above your chest. Squeeze your glutes as you lift your hips off the ground, stabilizing the body by engaging your core and pressing your upper back into the floor. Hold for two counts, then lower back to the ground. Repeat move for 60 seconds. Pro tip: Try moving your feet a few inches closer to your body (or further away) to activate different areas of the glutes. For an extra burn, pulse one inch up and one inch down (without returning to the ground) for the last 10 seconds of your set.
3. Scorpion Cross Touches
How to: Start on all fours and lift your right leg up and over to the left, as you twist your left arm back to meet your right heel. Be sure to keep your foot flexed (not pointed) in order to activate the glutes and hamstrings, rather than the quads. If you don’t have the flexibility to reach your arm over to meet your foot, focus on just the leg drives, keeping both hands planted firmly on the ground. Continue to alternate legs for 60 seconds, maintaining a strong core. Rest for 60 seconds, then repeat exercises 1-3 once more.
For more fitness and nutrition tips, exercise routines and healthy recipes, visit The 20-Minute Body. And be sure to try this killer six-minute six-pack routine when it’s time for core training.
By Jordan Shakeshaft for Life by DailyBurn 

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